March 31, 2009


This was at the 2002 MATH/CS Picnic. (Bonus points for identifying the other people in the photo.) Here's what Keith ate that day:


March 30, 2009


This is a picture taken in September 2001. I wonder what one learns by looking at the first picture taken for this blog.

March 20, 2009

March 20, 2009

Now he's quadfurcated! I believe I've reached the limit of this recursion using this approach.

March 19, 2009

March 19, 2009

Feel free to copy-and-paste this into a comment:

Dear Mr Frens,

Just who do you think you are trying to pass off this photo as being the WKWT photo for March 19? I read this blog every day, and I know for a fact that this was not posted on that day. In fact, the data in the photo (as revealed on Flickr) says that it was taken on the 20th. Just because you claim to have a "serious cough" is no reason to take a day off. Obviously you took this picture on your own MacBook, and don't you dare try to claim that you didn't use your MacBook all day.

My apologies in advance of these complaints.

March 18, 2009

March 18, 2009

Oh, no! He bifurcated!

March 13, 2009

March 13, 2009

We've gone way off charter now. This is now "What will Gary be installing over spring break?" (Answer: a larger, faster RAID array.)

Next week we'll get back to Keith himself.

March 12, 2009

March 12, 2009

March 12, 2009

The blog has morphed from "What is Gary wearing today?" into "What is Gary driving today?".

March 11, 2009

March 11, 2009

Gary dresses up to add students to csforge.

March 10, 2009

March 10, 2009

Gary is amused that I get an "action shot" just before a department meeting.

March 9, 2009

March 9, 2009

Our guest star this week is our sysadmin Gary "no Novell for us" Draving.

March 6, 2009

I call this "fun with Picnik".

Here's what Keith's jacket would look like olde tyme:

March 6, 2009

An infrared scan reveals that the jacket is very, very cool:

March 6, 2009

Finally, this is Michigan, and so it's good to know what it'd look like in a snow storm:

March 6, 2009

March 5, 2009

March 5, 2009

When I see this contribution from Kyle Adams, I imagine: "Vander Linden. Keith Vander Linden." honk! honk!

March 4, 2009

March 4, 2009

John Van Enk has been reading too much xkcd.

March 3, 2009

March 3, 2009

Courtesy of Peter Kraker comes a world where Keith wears vests.

March 2, 2009

Keith Obamicon 1

A question we ask each morning. But more succinctly:

Keith Obamicon 2

The acronym is courtesy of Kyle Adams: What is Keith Wearing Today?

The Obamicons courtesy of, a service provided by Paste Magazine.